Gabriella Demartino Bedroom

Gabriella Demartino Bedroom

Fancy Vlogs By Gab is the YouTube Channel by Gabi DeMartino. It was originally called Fancy Vlogs By Gabriella DeMartino .


  • 1 Statistics
  • 2 Videos
    • 2.1 2015
    • 2.2 2016
    • 2.3 2017
    • 2.4 2018
    • 2.5 2019
  • 3 Deleted Videos
  • 4 Gallery

Statistics [ ]

As of April 10, 2020:

Subscribers: 3,180,000
Subscriber Rank: 555th
Total Views: 396,237,846
Total View Rank: 3,779th
Videos: 341
Music Videos: 15
Deleted Videos: 4
Hidden Videos: -
Age: July 20, 2015 (age 6)

Videos [ ]

2015 [ ]

2016 [ ]

2017 [ ]

2018 [ ]

2019 [ ]

Deleted Videos [ ]

  • Doing my makeup with art supplies
  • Vlog / get ready with me: Halloween party 2018
  • My singing voice after my nose job LIVE (difficult song)
  • from basement to GORGEOUS bedroom makeover!

Gallery [ ]

YouTube Channels
Niki and Gabi
Current Fancy Vlogs By Gab • Niki and Gabi • Niki DeMar
Past 00RemakeGirls • 00remakegirlsBACKUP • GabiandBrandon • Gabriella DeMartino
Alex DeMar • AwesomenessTV • Collin Vogt • Nate West
Gabi - Topic • GABI - Topic • Gabi DeMartino - Topic • GabiDeMartinoVEVO • Gabriella DeMartino - Topic • Hailey Cara - Topic • Niki & Gabi - Topic • Niki and Gabi Channel - Topic • Niki DeMar - Topic

Gabriella Demartino Bedroom


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